Asia for Animals Conference 2010 - Resolutions
ACRES, the lead agency in organising the AFA2010 Conference last week in Singapore, today released its resulting resolutions.
The resolutions which were adopted at the conference attended by 390 delegates representing over 200 organisations from 26 countries around the world are as follows:
In addition, a call for sensibility on the part of the authorities to allow reasonable pet ownership in HDB flats was also made, and also reference to the ongoing issue of ensuring Resorts World of Sentosa does not import dolphins for public amusement.
Overall, the resolutions seem to be specific and achievable, and generally work towards the larger goal of better animal welfare for all sentient beings not of human origin.
The resolutions which were adopted at the conference attended by 390 delegates representing over 200 organisations from 26 countries around the world are as follows:
Singapore SpecificWhile important calls were made to agencies in Singapore to do more and improve on the methods used in controlling the stray animal population in Singapore, there were also community-level calls intended to create awareness amongst the general public, such as calling on agencies in Singapore to publically acknowledge that the number of animals used in various religious sacrifice has been on the increase.
Call for (as proposed by Action for Singapore Dogs, Animal Lovers League and Cat Welfare Society) the AVA and Town councils to:Call for (as proposed by SPCA Singapore) the HDB to:
- Revive the discontinued Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme
- Acknowledge with deep concern the increase in the numbers of animals sacrificed during religious events and festivals
Call for (as proposed by Action for Singapore Dogs, Animal Lovers League and Cat Welfare Society) the Government of Singapore to:
- Permit the keeping of cats and medium-sized dogs in HDB flats
Call for (as proposed by SPCA Singapore) the AVA to:
- Implement and/or support TNR programmes that are not only more effective but are also more humane than culling, as a method of long term stray population management
Call for (as proposed by ACRES) the Wildlife Reserves Singapore to
- Not grant a license for the importation of dolphins into Singapore by Resorts World of Sentosa
- End the circus-style elephant shows
- Improve the living conditions for the ocelots and cougars, according to the ACRES Acceptable Standards for the Well-Being of Animals
- Improve the living conditions for the show animals at the Night Safari according to the ACRES Acceptable Standards for the Well-Being of Animals
In General
Call for (as proposed by Indonesian Vegetarian Society) all Governments of Asia to:Call for (as proposed by Mr Azam Siddiqui from India) the Governments of Asia to:
- Recognise animals as sentient beings
- Support the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare
Call for (as proposed by Animal Nepal) all Governments of Asia to:
- Strive for a “Crime Control Bureau” which would connect all the nations of Asia through a network of Individuals and organizations who are experienced in this field, for animal related crimes
Urge (as proposed by Animal Nepal) religious leaders to:
- Ban the use of animas in blood sacrifices
Call for (as proposed by Animals Asia Foundation) all Governments of Asia to:
- End the suffering of animals involved in animal sacrifices and promote non-animal alternatives.
Call for (as proposed by Blue Cross of India) all Governments of Asia to:
- End bear farming and all trade in bear products
- Cease dog and cat culling
- Cease the consumption of dogs and cats
Call for (as proposed by Born Free Foundation) all Governments of Asia to:
- Reduce farming of animals that releases methane into the air and contributes to climate change
- End the keeping of wild animals in circuses and travelling menageries
- Ensure all animals in zoos and other captive animal facilities are provided with conditions that meet their species-specific needs
- Phase out the keeping of wild animals as pets
Country Specific
Call for (as proposed by Taiwan SPCA) for the Government of Taiwan to:Call for the Government of Australia to:
- Criminalise the possession, use, buying and selling of gin traps, snares, glue traps and other inhumane trapping devices
Call for the CITES MA of Qatar to:
- Commit funding to improving the detection of CITES Appendix I products being imported into the country
Call for (as proposed by Korean Animal Welfare Association) the Government of South Korea to:
- End the local trade of wildlife in Doha
Call for (as proposed by all Delegates from Nepal present) the Government of Nepal to:
- Ban the consumption and trade in dog and cat meat
- Work towards the introduction of legislation to guarantee the welfare of farm animals
- End the hunting of wild animals
- Ban classroom dissections
Call for (as proposed by all Philippine Animal Welfare Groups present) the Government of Philippines to:
- Raise a global and common voice to control widespread poaching of the Greater one horned Asian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in coordination with the national conservation organisations which are working to control rhino poaching
- End the dog meat trade
- Work closely with animal protection NGOs to improve enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, which prohibits dog and horse fighting
- End the exploitation of animals in zoos
- Ensure all animals in zoos and other captive animal facilities are provided conditions that meet their species specific needs
- End the exploitation of animals in the tourism industry
- End the trade in wildlife
- Integrate humane education into the national education system
- Make spay neuter programmes for companion animals, a government policy
- Make government pounds animal welfare friendly
- Ensure that humane slaughter policies for food animals are strictly followed
- Not allow greyhound racing to take place in the Philippines
- Aim for a rabies-free Philippines by 2015 through vaccinations and education
- Ban the importation of elephants
- Ban the importation and exportation of dolphins
In addition, a call for sensibility on the part of the authorities to allow reasonable pet ownership in HDB flats was also made, and also reference to the ongoing issue of ensuring Resorts World of Sentosa does not import dolphins for public amusement.
Overall, the resolutions seem to be specific and achievable, and generally work towards the larger goal of better animal welfare for all sentient beings not of human origin.
A copy of the original AFA2010 Conference Resolutions document is available on this blog for inspection.